Бренд: Марабу мрамор
Компания: Марабу Травяная зеленая
For Marbling on Paper, Glass, Wood, Plastic, Polystyrene etc. 15 ml (0.5 fl.oz)
For marbling on a variety of objects,
such as eggs, bolls etc. made of glass,
plastic, wood, or polystyrene as well as paper,
silk and many fabrics.
Paint is not wash-resistant.
Based on organic solvents.
Shake vigorously before use.
Apply a few drops of paint to water.
Shape into a pattern,
dip the object to be painted slowly into the water and take it quickly out again.
Jar 15 ml (0.5 fl.oz) with Dropper
Marabu, Germany
Артикул: 13050039067
Штрих-код: 4007751089021
37 g, 15 ml
Руб 179.52 Продажа со скидкой вплоть
до конца товара на складе магаззина.
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